Bristol Wallingford

Spider veins are a vascular condition. Considered less serious than varicose vein disease, spider veins get their name from their appearance, as they resemble a spider web. They can appear anywhere on the body, but are commonly found on the legs, ankles and behind the knees.

What are some of the reasons for their formation?

Exploring Reasons Behind Spider Veins

Much like varicose veins, there is not one definitive cause of spider veins. Increased pressure in the veins can be a factor in their development, as well as heredity and lifestyle. If you are overweight or stand for long periods of time, you put more stress on your veins. Spider veins are also more common in older people, so age is thought to be another contributing factor.

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Spider veins can appear after direct trauma too. Whether you are involved in a car accident or experience a sports injury, a blow to the leg can cause damage under the skin. In some cases, the result can be weakened veins that become enlarged.

How Can You Prevent Spider Veins?

If genetics do play a role in the development of spider veins, you may not be able to stop them from appearing on your body. Yet, you can take the following steps to help fight against their formation:

  • Exercise and maintain a healthy weight to promote healthy blood flow, increased circulation and stronger legs.
  • Avoid sitting or standing for too long. If you work a desk job, you should get up and walk around every 30 minutes.
  • Wear compression stockings to support your veins during long periods of standing.
  • Elevate your feet after a long day. Wind down on the couch with your feet above your heart to encourage blood flow to this major organ.
  • If you have varicose veins, seek treatment to prevent spider veins from forming too.

Spider Vein Treatment Options

In addition to their unpleasant appearance through the skin, patients with spider veins can experience leg swelling, heaviness and fatigue. If spider veins are affecting your everyday life, treatment is available. We offer the following modern, virtually painless options:

  • Sclerotherapy: During this procedure, an FDA-approved sclerosant solution works to collapse spider veins, which are then absorbed by the body.
  • Laser Treatment: When laser energy is applied to a spider vein, it is closed and absorbed into the body. Your blood is then rerouted to healthy veins.

It is a common misconception that the terms “varicose veins” and “spider veins” can be used interchangeably. If you have spider or varicose veins, schedule a consultation to discuss removal with our specialists at the Vein Centers of Connecticut today.