Bristol Wallingford

woman with long eyelashesMany of us wish for long, full, dark eyelashes. Whether for aesthetics or in response to age-related changes, you might put on false lashes or try to camouflage the issue with mascara.

For longer-lasting results, LATISSE® is a topical prescription treatment for thickening your existing lashes. Learn about this serum and who’s a candidate for use.


LATISSE® is an FDA-approved growth serum designed to lengthen, thicken and darken existing eyelashes and address hypotrichosis, a condition characterized by thinning lashes.

The discovery of LATISSE® was a partial accident. Patients taking Lumigan for glaucoma started to experience eyelash growth and increased volume after using the drops for a period of time. The FDA has since the drug for patients with thinner eyelashes or who are experiencing eyelash loss or hair growth issues around the eye area.

Despite these benefits, LATISSE® comes with a few side effects, including redness and irritation around the eyes or darkening of the eyelid skin and iris.

To use, LATISSE® is applied to the root of the eyelashes with a mascara-like wand. Upon application, active ingredient bimatoprost encourages a response in the body to trigger increased hair growth. Results appear gradually, with your lashes lengthening and developing more volume over time.

Doctors typically prescribe a 16-week round of LATISSE® and patients start to see noticeable results anywhere from a couple of weeks to months later.

Who Should Use LATISSE®?

Nearly everyone is a candidate for LATISSE®. The treatment is typically recommended for those concerned about the appearance of their eyelashes and understand that growth occurs gradually.

LATISSE® is ideal for both men and women:

  • Looking to fill in thinning lashes
  • Wanting to add more volume to their existing eyelashes
  • Wanting to darken the appearance of their lashes

To receive a prescription, a patient first undergoes an assessment by a dermatologist. Once prescribed the medication, patients should:

  • Avoid applying the product to their lower eyelid area, as this increases risks for irritation.
  • Never share the product with someone who has not been prescribed LATISSE®.
  • Wait 15 minutes between applying LATISSE® and inserting a pair of contact lenses.
  • Never re-use the applicator brush, as doing so can contaminate the solution and may cause an eye infection.
  • Only use the applicator on the eye area and never attempt to apply LATISSE® if the applicator already came in contact with another surface or object.

People who experience changes in vision or develop an eye condition while using LATISSE® should seek immediate medical attention.

Who Shouldn’t Use LATISSE®?

LATISSE® generally is not recommended for individuals:

  • Currently using antibiotics
  • Who take a heart medication
  • Who experience significant allergies, including irritation around the eye area, excessive tearing or reddening of the eyelids
  • Currently dealing with conjunctivitis or who experience chronic infections
  • Who are pregnant or nursing
  • Who have glaucoma, macular edema, eye inflammation or another vision condition
  • Under the age of 18
  • Who’ve previously had eye surgery

Are you thinking about trying LATISSE®? Have our team at the Vein Centers of Connecticut determine if you are a good candidate. To schedule a consultation, contact us today.