Bristol Wallingford

Why Exercise Outdoors in Winter?

There are many benefits of regular exercise including improved mood, energy, and overall health. Many of us can fall off track during winter, neglecting physical activity in favor of cuddling under a cozy blanket. However, a sedentary lifestyle is dangerous for your vein health, especially with a preexisting condition like varicose vein disease.

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Maintaining Vein Health in Winter

Winter weather in New England can be brutally cold. As residents know, temperatures can transition from mild to blistering in the blink of an eye. Conditions like varicose veins, spider veins and other forms of venous insufficiency can act up when temperatures drop.

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Why Do I Have Leg Pain?

At the first sign of pain from our bodies, many of us begin to worry. What could be the problem? You are a healthy person, but lately have been plagued by achy joints and muscles with no clear explanation. We list 4 potential causes of leg pain and what to do about them.

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6 Cold Weather Skin Care Tips

Do you suffer from red, dry or itchy skin in the fall and winter? While some people chalk it up to the sudden drop in temperature, there are steps you can take to prevent the appearance of flaky skin in the colder seasons. We offer 6 tips to help transform winter skin troubles.

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Which Juvederm® Injectable Is Right for You?

The decreased elasticity of our skin is a natural result of aging. It can be especially noticeable in the face and neck area, which is why many people feel self-conscious about developing parentheses lines or droopy jowls. What if there was a way to combat this sign of aging?

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