Bristol Wallingford

At the first sign of pain from our bodies, many of us begin to worry. What could be the problem? You are a healthy person, but lately have been plagued by achy joints and muscles with no clear explanation. We list 4 potential causes of leg pain and what to do about them.


First, determine what your leg pain feels like. If your discomfort is reminiscent of a muscle cramp, you could be dehydrated. A lack of water in the human body leads to lower salt levels, which results in uncomfortable cramping. To combat this form of leg pain, be sure to have the recommended eight glasses of water per day and stretch your legs often.

Restless Legs Syndrome

RLS is a muscle disorder that causes an uncontrollable urge to move your legs. This syndrome can be very painful and typically gets worse during periods of inactivity. If you experience leg discomfort at night that keeps you from sleeping, see a doctor about your symptoms. RLS is often linked to a vein disorder, which can be evaluated by our doctors.

Sciatic Nerve Pain

The sciatic nerve runs from your low back to your legs. When irritated, it sends shooting pains down your lower extremities that can be debilitating. Sciatica is a fairly common medical condition that plagues many people throughout their lives. There is no definitive cure, but treatment options include physical therapy and anti-inflammatories.

Varicose Veins

Lastly, your leg pain could be caused by varicose veins – even if they are not visible. Not all vein disorders result in a bulging, unsightly appearance. If you experience leg heaviness, swelling or tingling sensations, it is possible that the valves in your veins are working improperly. Untreated venous insufficiency can lead to worsening symptoms or complications such as blood clots and unhealthy skin changes. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, please contact your doctor or request a consultation in one of our clinics.

What to Do?

Chronic pain can interfere with everyday activities, from workplace duties to playing outdoors with your kids. One of the first steps to reducing leg pain involves a lifestyle change. Are you inactive or overweight? A sedentary lifestyle can lead to poor circulation and weak muscles. We recommend walking 30 minutes a day several times a week to promote heart and circulatory health.
Schedule a consultation at the Vein Centers of Connecticut to discuss the cause of your leg pain and discuss treatment options for vein disorders.