Bristol Wallingford

It is a common misconception that the terms “varicose veins” and “spider veins” can be used interchangeably. Although both are common vein disorders that we treat in our clinics, there are many key differences between the two!

What are some common misunderstandings about spider and varicose veins?

The Truth About Spider Veins

Just as there are common myths about varicose veins, many people misunderstand the causes and severity of spider veins.

In simple terms, spider veins are tiny clusters of discolored veins that resemble a spider web or a bruise that doesn’t go away. Spider veins are typically a cosmetic issue versus varicose veins, which can cause symptoms and be a sign of an underlying pressure source or medical issue.

Some differences between the two include:

  1. Spider veins are generally not painful, whereas varicose veins may cause discomfort and other symptoms in the legs.
  2. Spider veins are considered cosmetic and treatment options help improve appearance. Varicose veins can become a serious medical condition if untreated.
  3. The most common causes of spider veins are heredity, obesity, age, prolonged standing or sitting, or trauma to the area.

Spider Vein Treatment

The most common treatment for large spider veins is sclerotherapy. During this procedure, a chemical solution is injected into the vein to irritate it; this causes the affected vein to collapse and disappear when the vein walls absorb the injection.

Patients can also opt for laser treatment, which is best for small spider veins. Your healthcare provider at the Vein Centers of Connecticut can give you a free, personalized consultation regarding your spider vein treatment options!

Vein Disorder Prevention

Although there is nothing you can do to prevent varicose and spider veins from forming, you can avoid sitting or standing for too long and exercise regularly to keep blood flowing. Wearing compression stockings during the day can also help improve circulation.
To learn more, request a free consultation with one of our skilled clinicians today!