Bristol Wallingford

Whether you can see your varicose veins or not, the following signs of discomfort indicate you should see a vein specialist sooner rather than later.

1. Heavy or Painful Legs

If your job requires long periods of sitting or standing, you may think nothing of leg discomfort. However, leg heaviness and aching are both common signs of varicose vein disease. The cause of your pain could be malfunctioning valves in your veins which cause blood to pool in the legs.

2. Visibly Enlarged Veins

The one obvious sign of vein disease is bulging varicose veins. Not all people with vein disease will develop visible veins but if you have noticed these gnarled veins, it is time to visit a vein specialist.

3. Skin Issues on the Legs

We can develop skin rashes for many reasons, anywhere from an allergic reaction to sunburns and bug bites. If you’re already at risk for vein disease due to poor physical health or genetics, do not ignore the itch. See a vein specialist to determine if your skin irritation on our legs is actually the result of malfunctioning vein valves. If this condition is left untreated, you could develop leg ulcers and other serious health complications.

4. Leg Restlessness

While there is no scientifically proven cause of restless legs syndrome, some vein specialists believe the disorder to be a symptom of venous insufficiency. If you experience nighttime cramping and restlessness in the legs, you could have vein disease. For your own comfort and better sleep habits, have your cramping evaluated by a vein doctor.
Typically, symptoms of varicose vein disease become progressively worse. Considering that our veins pump blood back to the heart – our most important organ – critical to keep them healthy. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, request a consultation today.