Bristol Wallingford

Varicose veins cause leg swelling, which can become painful during strenuous exercise. However, do you have to completely stop exercising to avoid worsened varicose vein pain? With spring finally here, we are happy to say that no – patients do not have to give up their favorite physical activities!

But there are some guidelines to follow for safe exercise with varicose vein disease.


Circulation is critical to vein, cardiovascular and overall health. Unfortunately, circulation can be compromised when we sit all day or do not get the required amount of exercise. Walking is a great low-impact activity to reduce stress on your leg veins. By walking for 30 minutes, five days a week, you can improve blood circulation, decrease pain and gain strength.


Whether you hop on the stationary bike or go for a ride outside, cycling is another low-impact exercise to keep varicose vein patients active. You control how much impact your legs take on – stay on flat terrain for less impact or find an incline for more. Like walking, biking gets the blood flowing in your veins and builds calf strength, which further improves circulation.


Swimming keeps the legs horizontal while the muscles are working, so patients do not experience the impact of coming in contact with the hard ground. As an added bonus, the cool water in the pool can be soothing for varicose vein sufferers.

Calf Raises

As mentioned, many of these exercises build our calf muscles, which has a positive effect on leg circulation. Another easy exercise for those with varicose veins is the calf raise. To do this exercise, rise on your tiptoes and lower back down for as many reps as you comfortably can.

When Exercise Is Restricted

If you see a doctor and exercise is simply not an option, there are other solutions, including:

  • Wearing compression stockings to promote blood circulation
  • Rocking back and forth from heel to toe while sitting or standing
  • Avoiding high heels, which put undue stress on the legs

Varicose veins are a medical condition that can cause further serious health problems. To learn more about your treatment options, contact the Vein Centers of Connecticut today!