Bristol Wallingford

woman holding leg in painVaricose veins are fairly common; more than 40 million American adults suffer from the disease.

While varicose veins are a medical concern, many people who receive treatment in a timely manner do not experience serious complications. Yet if left unaddressed, can varicose vein disease lead to other health issues?

What Causes Varicose Veins?

Most people can visually identify varicose veins by their enlarged, gnarled appearance but what’s happening below the skin’s surface?

Healthy veins carry blood from the leg veins to the heart. When vein valves malfunction or fail, blood is unable to travel to the heart and circulate throughout the body.

As a result, blood pools in the legs and creates bulging veins. Symptoms include leg pain, swelling, heaviness, itching, burning, tenderness and restlessness.

Related Health Conditions

Untreated venous insufficiency can lead to inflammation and skin ulcers. These open wounds require medical attention to prevent infection from spreading throughout the body.

Another medical problem that can arise from untreated varicose veins is called superficial venous thrombophlebitis. This condition occurs when there is a superficial blood clot in the varicose veins that causes them to become swollen and painful.
If you’re experiencing varicose vein symptoms, work with our team to find the best treatment option for you and prevent potentially serious complications. To learn more, contact the Vein Centers of Connecticut today!