Bristol Wallingford

smiling spa womanYou’ve likely heard of the “Fountain of Youth”, a mythical spring thought to restore the youthfulness of those who bathe or drink from it. In recent years, collagen has been dubbed the “ingestible fountain of youth” with the rise of supplements.

Yet, many of us don’t know exactly what collagen is or how it works. Read on to learn more about collagen!

The Glue That Binds Us

Collagen is one of the most plentiful proteins in the body. It is the main component of connective tissue found in mammals, binding our bones, muscles, tendons and ligaments. It’s also known to benefit our gut health, skin, hair and nails!

There are at least 16 types of collagen present in our tissues. The four main ones are I, II, III and IV. Type I accounts for about 90 percent of the body’s collagen, providing structure within the musculoskeletal system. The other three types help cushion joints, support muscles, organs and arteries, and promote healthy skin.

In the 1980s, collagen was introduced in the United States as an expensive injectable filler. As more people began to learn collage production slows down with age, many turned to these fillers to plump lips, keep skin elastic and ward off premature facial lines.

Over the years, these fillers have become more accessible for those looking to combat signs of aging, rejuvenate the skin and overall appearance. Juvéderm, one of the brands we carry at the Vein Centers of Connecticut, has been proven to stimulate collagen growth in clinical studies!

Benefits of Collagen

Collagen helps keep our skin firm, supple and can prevent sagging. As we mentioned, the body breaks down collagen faster in our older years and becomes unable to replace it fast enough. For this reason, the popularity of collagen supplements and other sources has grown in recent years.

Collagen is also known to benefit our joints, keeping them functional and well-cushioned. Someone with osteoarthritis may take a collagen supplement to move with less pain.

Sources of Collagen

If you’re looking to add more collagen to your diet, bone broth, chicken, fish, citrus fruits and leafy greens can help boost its natural production.

Vitamin C, zinc, proline and glycine-rich foods, like asparagus, mushrooms, cabbage, beans and seeds may also encourage the body to produce more collagen.

Factors known to damage collagen include sugar, refined carbs, too much sun exposure and smoking tobacco.
To learn more about injectable skin rejuvenation services to help you maintain a youthful appearance, contact us today!