Identify your problem areas using the interactive model below. Click each circle on the face to reveal suggested treatment method for your areas of concern. In some cases, a combination of injectables is recommended for best results.

Click on the circles to explore your different areas of concern.
Area of Concern
Forehead Lines
These stubborn horizontal wrinkles can be a natural sign of aging.
Appropriate Treatment
Botox Cosmetic
Area of Concern
Brow Droop
Sagging eyebrows can be the result of strained muscles and the aging process.
Appropriate Treatment
Botox Cosmetic
Area of Concern
Frown Lines
These creases appear on your forehead after years of repeated frowning.
Appropriate Treatment
Botox Cosmetic
Area of Concern
Crow’s Feet
The “laughter lines” at the corners of your eyes caused by squinting.
Appropriate Treatment
Botox Cosmetic
Area of Concern
Cheek Definition/Loss of Volume
Over time, our cheeks can lose contour and flatten.
Appropriate Treatment
Juvederm Voluma
Area of Concern
Nasolabial Folds
Smile lines that run down the sides of the nose to the sides of the mouth.
Appropriate Treatment
Juvederm Ultra
Juvederm Vollure
Area of Concern
Marionette Lines
Vertical lines down the sides of your mouth that indicate volume loss.
Appropriate Treatment
Juvederm Ultra
Juvederm Vollure
Area of Concern
Vertical Fine Lip Lines
Deep vertical lines above and below your top and bottom lips.
Appropriate Treatment
Juvederm Volbella,
Juvederm Ultra
Juvederm Vollure
Area of Concern
Lip Border & Volume
Increase lip fullness and smooth vertical lines caused by natural aging.
Appropriate Treatment
Juvederm Volbella,
Juvederm Ultra
Juvederm Vollure
Area of Concern
Mouth Frown
The corners of our mouth start to droop when the muscles are overworked.
Appropriate Treatment
Juvederm Ultra
Juvederm Vollure
Area of Concern
Chin Dimpling
Also called “orange peel chin,” this condition is the result of an overactive mentalis muscle at the base of the lower lip.
Appropriate Treatment
Botox Cosmetic
Area of Concern
Prejowl Sulcus
When skin around your jawline is loose, the flesh can be droopy.
Appropriate Treatment
Juvederm Ultra
Juvederm Vollure
Area of Concern
Double Chin
Excess skin that accumulates under the chin due to aging, genetics or weight gain.
Appropriate Treatment